In an agriculture as dynamic and competitive as the current one, there are new varieties, rootstocks, phytosanitary products, cultivation techniques, machinery, …, which can be strategic for the agricultural enterprise. And it is very important to have data in real time and in the specific agroclimatic conditions of the exploitation through small trials carried out always in an efficient manner but that do not hinder or increase the normal production process. These small trials will have to be implemented when necessary in a practical way.

When a supplier leaves a product under test, for example, you can treat some lines and leave the rest of the plot as a witness and observe in a generic way possible differences or you can treat 3 selected lines and leave their parallels as witnesses to have several repetitions and certain parameters must be measured (length of shoots, number of fruits, diameter of fruits, …) that allow us to really evaluate the efficiency of the product if it could be interesting.

In case of not wanting to do things this way the best thing is not to even accept the product. With this advice it is also intended to help the farm to select the trials to be carried out, design them, monitor them and evaluate them. This information is complemented by information obtained from specialized technical publications, fairs, congresses, symposia, seminars, talks with other technicians and producers in the sector and visits to other national and international production centers.